St Duthac was known as the Chief Confessor of Ireland and Scotland (Dubtach Albanach) and his saint's feast day is 8 March, which marks the day of his death.
The St Duthac Book and Arts Festival group will be marking St Duthac Day with our annual pop up event in the Masonic Lodge, Tain.
Crime author Neil Lancaster will be live and in person as part of the St Duthac Day celebration from 2 p.m. on the 8th March 2025.
The doors will open at 1 p.m. with tea/coffee and baking available for a donation, plus pre-loved books on offer and a raffle with excellent prizes in aid of the festival.
Tickets will be available online via the Ticketsource website or telephone ordering system call 03336663366 or online at Ticketsource. from the 1st Feb 2025.

Despising alike the applause of princes and of people, this holy man avoided company, banqueting, and all worldly comforts. Yet, by this course of life, he acquired a just meed of fame, among the people of Britain and Ireland, where his travels produced grace.
The St Duthac Book and Arts Festival is named after our patron saint